To book your stay at Bunjaree Cottages simply check the availability and booking form on each cottage’s individual page, click on the nights you’d like to stay, and fill in the rest of the booking form.
You’ll receive an automated email with a copy of your booking request. While we don’t run a traditional reception desk, we’ll usually manage to email a human-generated confirmation within an hour or two.
We accept Visa and Mastercard (not Amex or Diners Club) or you may direct debit or pay otherwise by prior arrangement.
Conditions of Booking:
- One third deposit required to confirm booking.
- Deposit refundable to within 14 days of date of entry, 21 days in peak period (school holidays, long weekends)
- $20 admin. per cottage on cancellations from time of booking ($50 for school, public holiday, full week or all cottage bookings).
- $20/$50 admin. fee for change of date, as per above.
- Change of date within 14 days of entry is considered cancellation and rebooking unless initial date is resold at full price.
- Balance of payment deducted/payable on date of entry.
- Cancellation within 24 hours of date of entry results in full fee being charged.
Industry standard 2pm check in time applies. Check out is a little later than usual at 11am.
- Easter and school holidays, check in 3pm, check out 10:30 am (to allow for cleaning)
- Extended checkouts available by prior arrangement and in low season only (dependent on booking and cleaning schedule).
Comprehensive directions on how to get to Bunjaree are supplied upon booking.